Recognitions & Accomplishments
- Invited to be a media consultant for TV4 in Stockholm Sweden. Completed an all-day TV workshop for their anchors and gave a presentation to the TV4 Nyhetsbologet (Network) during a 3-day seminar
- “Longest running anchor team in the country” – Kansas City – 22 years – Co-Anchor, Wendall Anschutz
- First anchor in Kansas City to specialize reports on health and family issues
- “Essential Woman of the Year” award from Health Midwest in 2001
- “Wall of Success” award from High School Almamater in 2002
- “Journalist of the Year” award from the Leukemia Society in 1986
- Special recognition from the Ararat Shrine Temple for my series on the Shriners’ Burn Hospital in Galveston, Texas called the “Miracle House”
- “1990-91 Media Award” by the Missouri public health association for my work on the series “Born on Crack”
- My special on school bus safety in 1990 became a teaching guide for schools throughout the metro area.
- Top Honors by the Kansas City Press Club’s Heart of America Awards for my 10-part series entitled, “Preemies”
- 1992 Regional Emmy’s Finalist for “Preemies”
- Emmy Nomination – 1997 – family health special “Angels Among Us”, a 30-minute special on the importance of organ and tissue donation
- Emmy Nomination – 1997 – Best Anchor
- Emmy Nomination – 1999 – CD and music video “Miracles, Do You Believe”
- Kansas VA Medical Center – 1979-2003 – May 2, 2003 in recognition of my continued support of the VA’s National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Program
- Because Of You Award – 1985 – Kansas City Missouri Council of Camp Fire, Inc. for my dedication to Phone Friend
- Certificate of Appreciation – 1990 – Stop Violence Coalition for support of Coalition programs, issues and activities
- Special recognition from American Heart Association – 1996 – overall support to the organization
- “A Testimonial of Appreciation” from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in honor and recognition of outstanding unselfish service to the organization
- “TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND LEADERSHIP AWARD” – May 2003 – Outstanding Service to the TV news Industry and Kansas City Community through Communication and Leadership
Among her list of credits, Anne has received numerous awards:
- 1996 Leukemia Society’s Journalist of the Year award
- 1990-91 Media Award by the Missouri Public Health Association for her series “Born on Crack.”
- Anne’s special on school bus safety became a teaching guide for schools through the metro area.
- Her 10-part series on “Preemies” received top honors by the Kansas City Press Club’s Heart of America Awards and was a finalist in the 1992 Regional Emmy’s.
- In 1997, she received Emmy nominations for her Family Health special “Angels Among Us” and for Best Anchor.
- In 2001 she was the recipient of the Essential Woman of the Year Award
- and in 2003 ,she received the Toastmasters International Communication and Leadership Award for her outstanding service to her industry and community through communication and leadership.
- And In 2011, she and her executive producer at DHTV Productions receive a TELLY award for their video “Brunk Industries 50th Anniversary.”
Throughout her career, Anne has been actively involved in several local and national charities including the American Red Cross, American Heart Association and Children’s Miracle Networks. She currently serves on the boards of the Shadow Buddies Foundation, Gift of Life Foundation and the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts Ambassadors.
What has always been important to Anne is going beyond the anchor desk and reaching out into the community to make a difference. In the summer of 1992, she spearheaded the first “City at Peace Rally” at the Liberty Memorial This grew to an all-day festival in 1993. People from all walks of life formed a human heart to symbolize an unified effort throughout the metro area to work towards a city at peace. Not only was the community response overwhelming, but Anne also received a letter of congratulations from the First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton for her efforts.
In 1994, in collaboration with the American Cancer Society and Health Midwest, Anne spearheaded the “Buddy Check 5” program to increase awareness about the importance of doing monthly self breast exams in the fight against Breast Cancer. Just pick a buddy and on the 5th day of the month, remind your buddy to do a self breast exam.
In 2000, she helped launch the Heartsafe Campaign with St. Luke’s Hospital to get automatic external defibrillators throughout the Kansas City metropolitan area… and in 2005 she was the first to educate the community about the new CPR for sudden cardiac arrest… which is the number one killer in the U.S. In fact, her public awareness campaign for Continuous Chest Compression CPR became instrumental in changing the EMS protocol for sudden cardiac arrest in the Kansas City metro area. Another video at the KCI Airport called Operation Heartsafe, is the first in the country to educate passengers on what to do if they should witness someone collapse from sudden cardiac arrest… how to do CCC/CPR and use the automatic external defibrillators or AED’s throughout the terminal. She has also taken this campaign nationally … producing/hosting a national video on CCC CPR in May, 2010 for the University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center in Tuscan, where this “new CPR’ was pioneered.